Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

“My team very often uses the emotion wheel for content creation purposes, and we find it very useful in our business when working on articles and videos, as well as when some internal conflicts occur and they need solving. An emotion wheel is an invaluable tool for our content creation team, allowing us to tap into the full spectrum of human emotions. By understanding emotional responses, we can craft content that resonates with our readers and triggers specific emotional reactions. By navigating the wheel and starting with the most common emotion, we can adapt our content to hit the sweet spot, leading to a higher conversion rate. Additionally, in the workplace, this tool can elicit desired responses from employees if there are any problems. As a head of the content, I had to manage some conflicts between employees, and very often, the reason was the inability to name their emotions properly. With the help of the emotion wheel, it’s easier to understand what other people feel and why they feel like that, which is the first step to solving conflicts.”

Dubravka Davidovic, Head of Content

“The Emotion Wheel defines the eight basic human emotions. It also demonstrates the different stages in developing a fundamental emotion and shows the transition states from one emotion to another. This method can be helpful to you at work and in business. When communicating with other company employees, in relations with the head, with a busy schedule, you can experience stress. The wheel of emotions will help you cope with this condition. With careful study, it will give you the opportunity to: 1) concentrate and provide an adequate response to an unfair remark or when conducting a dispute; 2) you will be able to identify your emotions and will be able to explain to others how you feel; 3) not blame yourself for failures, but determine what happened. Employees will understand each other better when using the wheel of emotions, and the number of stressful situations will decrease.”

Serge Volokonskyi, Product Owner

“The emotion wheel is a tool used to help identify and understand your emotions. It works by breaking down complex feelings into smaller, more manageable pieces. This can be helpful when you are feeling overwhelmed and don’t know how to navigate it. The wheel consists of 12 distinct emotions that fall along a spectrum from negative to positive. These range from anger, sadness and fear at the low end, to joy, peace and optimism on the high end. Using this exercise, you can identify which of these emotions you may be feeling and take steps towards managing them in healthy ways. This can be done through journaling or talking with someone about the experience. In any case, the emotion wheel can act as an important tool for recognizing what we are feeling and for finding ways to cope with these emotions in a healthy way.”

“The emotion wheel can be especially helpful in the workplace. Understanding our emotions and how they affect us, we can work better with others and navigate difficult situations more effectively. It can help us to recognize patterns of behavior that may need to be addressed, as well as identify moments when we may be feeling overwhelmed or anxious. Additionally, it can provide a space for self-reflection and personal growth as we learn how to express our feelings in professional settings properly. All these things can make us better communicators, collaborators, and problem solvers at work – all valuable skills for any professional environment.”

Jeanette Lorandini, LCSW

“Plutchik’s wheel of emotions is one of the most famous diagrams that attempt to classify all emotions one can feel in one place. It’s a key tool for anyone that wants to develop their emotional intelligence. Simply put, emotional intelligence is based on 4 areas: self-awareness, self-control, other-awareness, and interaction with others. These four areas are sequential and connected, which means that to be able to influence others (fourth area, interaction) positively, one must be proficient in the previous three areas, and it all starts with the first one: self-awareness, i.e., knowing exactly what you are feeling and why.”

Edoardo Binda Zane

The emotion wheel is a tool anyone can use to help identify their true and accurate emotions.

“The emotion wheel is a tool anyone can use to help identify their true and accurate emotions. We spend so much time learning about our “surface” emotions: happy, mad, and sad, but are rarely taught about the many other layers of emotions, such as resentment, frustration, surprise, trust, anxiety, etc. The emotion wheel can be very helpful in the workplace, especially in promoting emotional intelligence and effectiveness throughout a team or organization. The emotions wheel also prompts deeper, and more meaningful, conversations about our true selves and the experiences that we are having.”

Ryanne Mellick, Poppy & Jade Therapy Collective

“The emotional wheel is essentially a graph that outlines human emotions and how they influence one another. We all know and understand the importance of emotions in the workplace, and we can utilize the wheel to help better manage those emotions and make the most out of them. We can use the emotional wheel to track the presence of certain emotions in the workplace and their impact on the workplace. We can then use it to navigate through difficult situations and turn things from negative to positive. I always liked using the emotional wheel to help identify the issue and navigate the situation toward more positive emotions, and it always worked. This approach works differently for every workplace, so take your time and experiment to find out what works best for you.”

Jeremy Clifford, CEO

“An emotion wheel is a circular graph that defines the complexities of human sentiments and how they’re linked to one another. If you’re having trouble communicating your feelings, understanding them through an emotion wheel can give valuable insights into how you feel exactly. Since the workplace can become a cesspool of confusing emotions, pinpointing them via an emotional wheel can be very beneficial. It is also extremely helpful for business owners. It can help make a company’s environment comfortable for its employees.”

Simon Bacher, CEO and Co-Founder of Simya Solutions

“The emotion wheel can be described as a psychological instrument that assists people in identifying and understanding their complicated emotions. The emotion wheel was created by Robert Plutchik, who died in 2006. He was a psychologist and professor of psychology and psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. The emotion wheel explains the basic eight emotions, which are; trust, sadness, fear, anger, surprise, joy, disgust, and surprise. Also. the emotion wheel shows the eight-dyad combination of behavior related to emotions. The eight basic emotions can be combined to generate different types of emotions. For example, sadness can be mixed with anger to bring out outrage in an individual. The wheel can make combating one’s true feelings effortless and make the right decision in every circumstance. Several organizations use this system to ease team building and motivate the employees of an organization. People can use this tool in every aspect of their lives, especially the factors that impact growth. In the final analysis, it enhances self-reflection and better comprehension.”

Dung Pham, BizReport

“The emotion wheel is a psychological tool developed by Robert Plutchick used to identify, understand, and verbalize emotions better. The emotion wheel illustrates eight primary human emotions and various other emotions stemming from or relevant to the primary ones. In the workplace, the emotion wheel can help employees understand each other’s feelings and perspectives better. It will allow employees to be more empathetic towards their coworkers and foster positive and meaningful work relationships. It can also help them be more self-aware and manage stress effectively.”

Lily Will, Founder and CEO at Ever Wallpaper

“An emotion wheel is a tool used to identify the eight primary emotions of an individual and what actions influence them. Everyone can use the emotion wheel if there is confusion in validating their feelings. It is to give exact information or a comfortable adjustment to their emotions. The emotion wheel is helpful even in the workplace since individuals may have the chance to communicate their experiences and emotions rather than keeping them for themselves. They can empower and relate to each other, and that’s the way for them to give their unique advice to help with their emotional state challenges. We can be diverse and aware of differences in how everyone deals with each day, especially if it involves work.”

Jean Lopez, Co-Founder at LilyHair

“The Emotion Wheel is a simple chart that helps you understand the emotions that people feel when they are faced with a given situation. It helps you identify people’s emotions and how those can affect their decision-making process. You can use the emotion wheel in your blog to provide more information about financial decisions or why people make certain choices. For example, if you are writing about how people choose which stocks to invest in, you could use the emotional wheel to explain why some investors choose certain stocks based on how they feel about them. While it’s true that the emotion wheel can be helpful in an office setting, it depends on whether or not you’re using it correctly. A lot of people tend to use the emotion wheel for their benefit—they might use it as a way to get out of work or as a way to make others feel bad about themselves. But if you’re using it for the right reasons and with the right intentions, then it can be helpful. I hope I was able to contribute useful information to your article! If you decide to publish my information, please see below.”

Clint Proctor, Editor-in-Chief

“An emotion wheel can be a great tool in the workplace. It’s used to gain insight and express complex emotions like frustration or confusion. An emotion wheel is also a useful way to remember that everybody experiences different feelings differently, allowing for further understanding and learning. Working with an emotion wheel encourages people to check in with themselves emotionally before having important conversations with their peers or supervising staff, creating a healthier environment that fosters better team collaboration. By acknowledging, understanding, and discussing these emotions, individuals can work towards solutions that enable everyone to work better as a team and reach common goals.”

Logan Mallory, VP

The emotion wheel is a circular scale that characterizes all possible emotions.

“The emotion wheel is a circular scale that characterizes all possible emotions. It allows you to expand upon what you are really feeling, which is helpful when trying to be more mindful. In the workplace, the emotion wheel can be used in order to understand exactly how you might be feeling about a certain situation. Sometimes at work, we can feel flustered but might not be able to articulate exactly what we feel. The emotion wheel can help us to pinpoint our exact emotions and then be able to fix the problem. Most employees tend not to share or suppress their emotions when at work. And although there is a time and place for certain emotions, it’s not good to hide how you feel. When you do this, the issues are never resolved, making you resent your workplace and the people you work with. An emotion wheel can help you to share how you feel to create a more conducive work environment.”

Rachel Eddins, Career Counselor, Therapist, and Executive Director

“An emotion wheel is a tool that helps us identify and better understand our emotions, especially when dealing with complex emotions since it allows us to identify where they come from (based on the eight primary emotions) and how we can manage them. This fantastic resource can be used in cases where we’re experiencing complex emotions, and we either want to know the root of such emotion to handle it better or are looking for a way to verbalize it and communicate it to others. It can certainly be helpful to use an emotion wheel in the workplace, regardless of how high or low you are in the organization chart. The most helpful way to use an emotion wheel in the workplace would be, in my opinion, using it as a tool for emotional regulation. Someone who has strong emotional regulation skills can exert control over their emotional state at all times, meaning they’re able to stay calm and centered even when going through the harshest of emotions. Therefore, this can be extremely helpful in a workplace scenario; it means you will keep performing at the highest level regardless of your emotional state.”

Nina Nguyen, Sex Educator, LGBTQ+ Expert, Racial/Social/Gender Justice Educator, and Co-Founder

“An emotion wheel is a psychological tool that aids in articulating and recognizing complicated emotions in people. The wheel identifies eight fundamental human emotions along with tiers of related, more complex variations. The function of the wheel is to make clear what is going on in our inner world, focus in on the finer details of that emotional state, and comprehend the depth and meaning of those emotions. The wheel can help you more easily wrestle with your genuine emotions, come to the best decision for you, and come to a gratifying conclusion. Take the emotion wheel to identify the triggering event, circumstance, or person affecting you and name what you could be experiencing until it resonates if you’re having trouble putting your finger on something.”

Brian Clark, BSN, MSNA, and Founder

“An emotion wheel is a tool that helps you to identify, understand and manage your emotions. It’s a circle with different positive and negative emotions at the spokes. The middle of the wheel represents calmness. The emotion wheel can be used in many different situations. For instance, if you’re feeling stressed at work, it can help you to identify which emotions are contributing to that feeling and how they might be affecting your performance. It can also help you to become aware of what triggers certain emotions within yourself – so if you feel angry or frustrated, you can use this information to take steps toward managing those feelings more effectively in future situations. It can also be used in business and management when trying to understand the emotional state of your customers or employees. For example, if you are trying to figure out what marketing campaign would resonate with your audience, it’s important to know what emotions they are experiencing now.” 

“In the workplace, the emotion wheel can be helpful in many ways. It allows people to be more aware of their own emotions and those of others around them. This helps everyone understand each other better, which makes it easier to work together. The emotion wheel also helps people understand their feelings, which can help them cope with them better and make better decisions about how to act on those feelings. Businesses need to understand how emotions affect workplace performance because emotions can have a big impact on productivity. If employees are happy and motivated, they’ll be more productive than if they’re stressed out or afraid of failure (or both). You can use the emotion wheel as a tool for communication by asking your employees how they feel before making any important decisions or changes in the company’s direction.”

Chris Muller, Vice President

“The emotion wheel is a tool that can enhance our emotional granularity, which is essential in helping us respond to our emotional state rather than be reactive to our feelings. Recent research by Prof Lisa Fieldman-Barret (and others) indicates that emotions are concepts that are intimately tied to the language we use to express ourselves. Our brain constructs emotional states by combining the thoughts that we have, which require language, with sensations in our body and situational cues. Our brains then construct an emotional state based on the available data from these sources. The wheel of emotions divides emotion words into finer concepts, with the simplest language in the center and more specific emotions on the outside. The wheel of emotion is then used to enhance our language and concepts around possible emotional states.”

“This has benefits in the workplace, as we can identify more specifically what is happening inside our bodies and minds and take more ownership of our experience. It also allows us to take more specific interventions to solve a problem. For example, people often say they feel busy, however, if we get specific using the wheel, we will address feeling pressured differently to how we may approach feeling rushed, yet both states we would simply call busy, or even more simply bad. Another example is that you may be feeling anxious. If you explore this feeling with the wheel, you can get more specific – are you feeling overwhelmed or worried about something? Being curious about our emotional state takes us deeper into how we really feel, which is the information we can use in problem-solving. When you use the wheel in this way, either with yourself or a team member, you can focus on solving the right problem rather than surface-level issues around business, stress, or even states like procrastination. The wheel is a great ready reference to expand our language around our emotions, and therefore become more specific with how we choose to respond to our internal state, or how to be curious about the internal states of our team members to support them.”

 Dr. Mary Gray, self-compassion coach

“The emotion wheel is a technique best used in private to self-identify our emotional reactions so we can take healthy steps to address them. Emotions have considerable power, but lose that power the second it’s identified. The emotion wheel allows us to take a step back and name the offending emotion, disarming us and stopping any activity that could be toxic to ourselves or others. In a workplace, when stresses can run high, the worst thing that can happen is blowing up on a coworker in front of others. By pausing to consider the emotion wheel, you can identify your emotion and break down its specificity to reach the source of your feelings. This doesn’t invalidate your feelings but rather illuminates where it’s coming from. This knowledge can help you handle a tense situation in a way that will reduce tension, not increase it.”

Karden Rabin, co-founder