Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

It isn’t remote work; it is hybrid work. A blended work approach is a lot more difficult to manage. In order to keep your workplace culture intact in a more flexible world, there are three main tactics that you can apply. Know that:

It’s not a good fit for everyone. Some people do better in the workplace.

Trust is a fragile thing. Employees, whether they work in an office or at home, need to believe that you have their best interests at heart.

Hybrid workspaces are more flexible. It’s critical to make changes to your living area based on your observations of how people use it.

“As a mom and a business operator, the hybrid work environment has been amazing. Depending on the department, we come into the office two days a week. This has given me the opportunity to go into the office, be face-to-face with my employees, while also working from home a few days a week and being able to spend time with my kids. I can see how this might be difficult for mothers or caregivers if the days of the week that you’re expected in the office keep changing and shifting, but if they’re set in advance, then it works for caregivers and non-caregivers alike! I do everything I can to set clear expectations for where my employees are expected to be and when they’re expected to be reachable.”


My workplace, which had to quickly adapt during the pandemic, isn’t doing enough to assist women in navigating the ongoing issues they confront. Hybrid work in principle should help with some of the women’s significant issues instead of making matters worse.


Working a full day in an office or onsite can frequently make other responsibilities like picking up children from school and making them meals both of which tend to fall on me more expensive and exhausting. I prefer more flexibility regarding issues like working hours and location.


Hybrid work has resulted in a degree of ambiguity that is raising stress levels for me, such as where I will work on any given day of the week or precisely when I am expected to be available. Predictability is one of the things that I desire. Although employers have worked hard to implement this new [hybrid] model, I still find t the lack of predictability problematic.


In some cases, hybridity exacerbates patterns in which I struggle to advance as quickly or as far as my male counterparts. Hybridity also causes other issues. Working in a hybrid environment has left me out of critical meetings, and I have minimal contact with senior leaders.
