Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

Side Hustles for Mompreneurs: They can bring home the bacon with a side of hustle.

Side Hustles for Mompreneur

This article was written by Charlene Walters, MBA, Ph.D.

Well, 2020 has left us moms scrambling, homeschooling, working, and striving for more balance than ever before. As we head into 2021, a bit more worn and resilient,  it might be just the time to take control over that schedule once and for all. And having a side hustle may be exactly the avenue for us mompreneurs to do that. According to some recent stats, more than 44 million Americans have turned towards a side gig and 51% of women have side hustles compared to only 35% of men. That’s likely because of the added freedom and flexibility this sort of gig gives to busy mompreneurs (while still allowing them enough time to devote to their families).

When it comes to choosing what to do, there are many options for savvy mompreneurs which include but aren’t limited to teaching, writing, digital marketing, tutoring, coaching, child/pet care, AI, IT, training, product development, photography, and graphic design. You might also consider food preparation, catering, cleaning, repair services, landscaping, market research, event planning, real estate, house sitting, beautician/stylist services—the list goes on depending on your own skills, interests, and expertise, and limited only by your imagination.

When deciding, consider the following:

  • What are your reasons for wanting a side hustle (understanding your why will help you determine you are how)?
  • What are your interests?
  • What are you good at (choose at least 3 things)?
  • What’s your motivation?
  • What are your side hustle goals (pick at least 5)?
  • What side do hustles look or sound appealing to you?
  • What is realistic?
  • What opportunities can you research further?

Once you’ve done your digging, look at your schedule critically and see where you can carve out some time (you can find it if you get creative) to implement your side hustle. As part of that, ponder some strategies for creating more hours.

Will you:

  • Wake up early?
  • Cut out some TV/social media time?
  • Stay up late?
  • Work while the kids are learning?
  • Hustle during your lunch break?
  • Other?

Then, put it on your calendar and give yourself reminders. What time will you commit to for your mompreneur side hustle? Figure out the days and hours that you can devote to it. Also, ask yourself who can help you and what resources you have (as well as what resources you’ll have to acquire). Next, schedule a talk with the key stakeholders in your life to get their support and buy-in (hint: tell them what’s in it for them).

Set your vision

After that, you’ll need to set your vision. Determine how much you want to make from your side hustle, what the market potential is, what you can outsource or otherwise delegate, and where you want to start and get to with your mompreneur side gig. Then, outline your goals and the micro-steps that you must take to make them happen. You won’t make anything a reality without a plan. Last, attach a timeline to your plans and hold yourself accountable (like you would your kids). You slay every day as a mom, and I have no doubt that you can also do so as a mompreneur with a side hustle! 2021 is a year for making things happen. You’ve got this, mompreneur!

Bio: Charlene Walters, MBA, Ph.D.,  is an entrepreneurship coach, business and branding mentor, trainer, and author of Launch Your Inner Entrepreneur. She serves as a mentor on Entrepreneur magazine’s “Ask an Expert”forum and through her own consulting business (Charlene Walters, MBA, Ph.D., LLC), is featured among other CEOs, influencers, and celebrities on the BAM Network and was recently selected as one of 150 Marketers to Follow by Rubicly.

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