Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

Join Christine Michel Carter and Bright Horizons for a special event titled Recruiting & Retaining Female Talent: Secrets of Successful Companies.

Recruiting and retaining female talent is vital to a company’s success. Studies show that once women land leadership positions they excel – often surpassing men – because they have developed soft skills necessary for effective leadership. Traits like empathy, communication, and listening are qualities that serve women well when in management positions.

This is ironic because soft skills have also historically been used as excuses for why women are not fit to lead, i.e. we’re too soft, we’re too empathetic. This misinformed prejudice is costing women the leadership positions they deserve and would thrive in. And companies are losing money because they fail to put female talent where it belongs. In this discussion, Christine- along with Sandra Evers-Manly (VP of Global Corporate Responsibility, Northrop Grumman), Lilly Wyttenbach (Head of Global Wellness, JPMorgan Chase & Co.) and Maribeth Bearfield (CHRO, Bright Horizons)- will discuss how successful companies leverage these skills while simultaneously recruiting and retaining female talent.

See you there! In the meantime, please visit Bright Horizons for additional employer resources or read Christine’s Forbes article on how JPMorgan Chase used back-up care to support working parents during the pandemic.