Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

The motherhood penalty is the detrimental influence on a woman’s job progress and remuneration that having children can have. It’s also often described as “parental status discrimination” or “family responsibility discrimination.” This type of discrimination occurs when employers, colleagues, or both make assumptions based on an individual’s commitment to their job or abilities based on their status as a parent, this issue is much worse for mothers. In short, it is a term used to describe when women don’t progress at work because they have become mothers. It is a phenomenon that refers to the decreased earning potential and career opportunities of women who become mothers. 

The motherhood penalty is something that can manifest in a variety of ways, including lower starting salaries, fewer job offers, and promotions, being passed over for leadership positions, or not receiving full recognition for their accomplishments. It might mean losing promotions or not offering projects because they are seen as less committed or “too busy” with their families. The penalties are often so subtle and pervasive that many women are unaware of them and may not understand why their career trajectories have stalled or become stagnant. 

The motherhood penalty is often based on stereotypes of what mothers “should” be doing rather than the realities of mothers in the workplace. The effects of the motherhood penalty can be long-lasting and often accumulate over time, leaving women with fewer opportunities for career growth and financial security. In addition to decreased earning potential, mothers who take parental leave or reduce their hours when their children are young often find it difficult to re-enter the workforce and may face steeper earning losses in the long run. This can have a significant impact on their overall career trajectory, which can lead to economic insecurity for mothers and their families down the line. 

While this type of discrimination might affect everyone, it disproportionately affects women and reinforces traditional gender roles and expectations in the workplace. They often lose out on opportunities for advancement or even start getting reduced pay. Mothers may feel like they are carrying an extra burden of obligations at home and work, which slows their progress and makes it more difficult for them to compete with their peers. Mothers are frequently called upon to manage the demands of work and family, much like a tightrope walker attempting to maintain many balls in the air. 

Women who become mothers often experience decreasing salaries and job stability, while men who become fathers often experience increases in income and promotions. This phenomenon disproportionately affects women of color, representing an intersectional form of gender inequality in the workplace. The motherhood penalty can lead to a vicious cycle where women have little chance of making a sustainable career out of their work, leading to increased poverty for mothers and their families.

The motherhood penalty is not the only penalty women face.

The motherhood penalty is a term used to describe the impact that motherhood has on women’s careers, particularly in terms of the wage gap and career advancement opportunities. But a different penalty mothers face is the burden of caregiving – which disproportionately tends to fall on them. In the U.S., Studies show that working mothers are held back in their careers due to a lack of access to affordable childcare and workplace policies that do not accommodate parental leave. In the U.S., there is very much a feeling on the part of working mothers that they are “on their own” with little support from organizations and the government to provide the necessary childcare infrastructure. 

Companies should focus on implementing programs that support their female employees, such as mentorship and career development initiatives. With the right strategies in place, we can create conditions that allow mothers to thrive professionally and personally. 

It is essential to acknowledge the motherhood penalty is something that exists. We must work towards finding solutions, such as providing better access to childcare and flexible working arrangements, to help mitigate its effects. By taking steps to reduce the negative impacts of the motherhood penalty on women’s careers, we can create a more equitable work environment where all genders have equal opportunities for success.