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Vitamins are often a vital part of people’s morning routine. When someone is lacking in a certain vitamin or nutrient, taking supplements is a great way to make up the difference. It may not come as a surprise, but some women’s multivitamins are a little too one-size-fits-all. Black women tend to have specific dietary and nutritional needs, which generic brands tend to overlook. Both Latina and Black women tend to lack Vitamin D, but black women are more likely than Latina women to lack iron. Over-the-counter women’s vitamins follow guidelines set by the FDA. But these guidelines often fail to take into account that nutritional needs can vary depending upon age and race. BDO Next, a black fitness and nutrition resource, compiled a list of vitamins that black women often lack. These vitamins include magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K.

Pure Vegan and Pure Advantage are two brands that tend to focus more on the nutritional needs of black people. Both Pure Vegan and Pure Advantage offer products with much higher doses of Vitamin D and Folic Acid than the usual brands. Both these brands are also offered in spray form, which makes it easier to absorb vitamins into the bloodstream. Time of day should also be considered as there are certain vitamins that will absorb better when taken in the morning or with food. Because of this, black women making vitamins a part of their morning routine alongside breakfast is good practice. Young black women need a specialized health and wellness routine to preserve our #melaninmagic for years to come.

To learn more about how black women can meet their specific nutritional needs, read the rest on 21ninety.