Named the “voice of working moms,” Christine helps women like you lead with confidence, climb with purpose, and build careers that work for your life.

12 Unique Tips To Help Working Moms Launch A Podcast As A Side Hustle - Carol Muleta Christine Michel Carter

Tips To Help Working Moms Launch A Podcast

Since podcasting is the fastest growing information and entertainment platform in the world. With literally hundreds of millions of podcast fans. No matter what your passion or expertise is, chances are there’s an audience that’s hungry for what you have to offer. Working moms can take advantage of this explosive growth. By creating their very own podcast to promote their business (products or services) – and make an impressive profit in the process!

Launching a podcast is easy. Anyone with an opinion or something to teach can start a podcast. But to monetize it (i.e. as a side hustle) takes a little strategy. I’m not talking about gaining hundreds of thousands of downloads to gain the attention of advertisers. That takes time and the majority of podcasters won’t get there. If you teach or sell something and you want to get paid for your expertise having a podcast is one way to get noticed.

Here are a few tips to monetize it from today’s podcasting experts:

  1. A common friction in starting a podcast is overthinking what kind of content should be in the show. It is often difficult to have a clear idea about show programming when you are just starting out. One way to overcome this is to actually host guests instead. In this way, you only need to nail down the questions which can be things you are genuinely curious about in your topic of interest.  And your guest will be sharing the bulk of his/her expertise. A good place to find guests can be bloggers or coaches in the space. People are often also looking to increase their own exposure as well. They also tend to be more comfortable sharing their knowledge and experiences. -Rax Suen, Podcast: ChatwithNomads
  2. Be sure to have a Call to Action in each episode. What do you want them to do? Make a purchase? Hire you? Download a pdf? Regardless, have a plan. Placement of asking for what you want them to do can be anywhere between the start or the end of your podcast episode. Just remember that not everyone will listen to the end so it’s a good idea to have a pause for your ‘commercial’. -Denise Thomas, Podcast: Debt-Free Degree
  3. Interview your ideal client. Offering brief 10-minute hot seat live coaching sessions on your podcast gives your potential client an opportunity to see how you work. It developed the know, like, and trust factor rather quickly. It also allows your listeners to also hear how you work. After the live interview, when the recording has stopped, continue to a conversation and ask if they might be interested in continuing their work with you. -Denise Thomas, Podcast: Debt-Free Degree
  4. Create BOTH an audio and video podcast. I coach all of my clients on the importance of recording their podcasts in both audio and video formats. Why? So they can not only promote their business on podcast platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google, and Amazon but also to get it out to YouTube. Which has an insanely HUGE global audience. Now it’s easier than ever to reach potential customers and clients via your audio podcast and YouTube videos. Especially with just a few simple tools of the trade and good solid expert guidance. For that guidance, I highly recommend working with a coach or mentor to save you money, time and energy. -Christine Blosdale, author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller “Your Amazing Itty Bitty Podcast Book: The Top 15 Reasons Why You Need To Tap Into the Power (and Profits) of Podcasting”
  5. Release six episodes off the bat. You should release six episodes right off the bat. If you only release one episode the first week, people will listen to it but won’t get invested in it because they only have one episode. When you have six episodes out they can listen to the first one and then listen to 5 more and get more invested in the show. -Spencer Grey, Podcast Producer 
  6. Start an email list. You should start an email list for the podcast so that you can send out an email every time you release a new show. The people on your email list are usually more interested in your podcast because they have most likely already interacted with you in some way before. -Spencer Grey, Podcast Producer 
  7. Having an internet store can expose your products to billions of consumers. It is easy to create an eCommerce website with Shopify. Owning an online store is easy with Shopify. It has many themes to make your store look professional, accepts many payments, and guides you through the process. -Edward Mellett, Founder of
  8. Treat your podcast like a local 5K charity event. Instead of finding local sponsors to fill your T-Shirt with logos – find local businesses. Businesses who want to support a podcast launch as a sponsor before you are ever big enough for sponsors to seek you out! -Dan Bennett, Host of The #Antipreneur Show
  9. Carve time out of each day to work on your side hustle.  For us, this means that I do a few hours of work before our daughter wakes up in the morning. And Mike does a few hours of work after she goes to sleep in the evenings. By designating certain times to work on Ivy, we are able to be fully present in our day jobs and with our daughter. We are also able to devote complete focus to Ivy during the hours we each work on it. -Lindsey McPheeters, Founder of Ivy Podcast Discovery
  10. Focus primarily on providing unique value. Since you have only a limited amount of time, it is important to focus on providing the most unique quality content you can. In order to differentiate yourself from the competition. In the same vein, podcasters should pick their niche wisely to put their strengths against their competitor’s weaknesses. -Lindsey McPheeters, Founder of Ivy Podcast Discovery
  11. You can generate money from a podcast with affiliate marketing, just like you can with a blog. Delivering your unique affiliate URL is the key to affiliate marketing on a podcast. If you’re using WordPress, the Pretty Link plugin may let you build simply spoken URLs. It guides listeners to your affiliate goods. For example, if you wish to advertise the book “Amazing Podcast Tips” you can obtain an affiliate link from Amazon. And then construct a redirect from your website to the book. That way, you may tell readers, “To get your copy of Amazing Podcast Tips, go to,” and your redirect link will lead them to Amazon to buy the book. -Dean Scaduto, Entrepreneur
  12. Consistency is key. When it comes to having a great podcast, consistency is crucial, just like anything else in life. Make a timetable that you can stick to, and stick to it completely. Your audience wants to know that they can count on you to release a podcast on a regular basis. You and your audience are in a relationship, and they need to know you can be trusted. You can begin to establish loyalty with your listeners by providing them a sense of assurance. That you are there for them; A haphazard and inconsistent podcasting schedule will quickly lose you, listeners. You want to be a part of their daily routines and lives. You want to be something they look forward to on their commute or when they have some alone time. -Tanya Zhang, Co-founder of Nimble Made

Looking for more information? Jackie Kossoff, host of Millennial Success Stories also has a checklist for her community entitled “10 Steps to Launching a Podcast.” The best part is that 8 of the 10 steps on her list can be outsourced if working moms don’t have the time or skills to complete them! Jackie’s podcast has been ranked on the Top 200 charts for Apple Podcasts in 6 countries.

You’ll have to practice podcasting, just like anything else in life, if you want to get good at it. You must become an excellent podcaster in order to have a successful podcast. And the only way to get there is to continue recording. You will have to pay your dues if you are serious about being the proud owner of a successful podcast. Unless you’re already a star, there’s a good chance that only a few people will hear them. Continue to learn and improve your craft, and strive to create the finest podcast content possible. You’ll eventually reach a point where people are interested in listening to your podcast.

Podcasting is a powerful tool to use in your side hustle. And I encourage every working mom to jump into it right away!