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 The Undiscussed Problems for Women in Male Dominated Industries Women have played an important part in our society for a long time now.

Women have played an important part in our society for a long time now, and they are continuing to grow in number. But many people don’t realize the challenges women face when working in male-dominated industries or an environment dominated by men. However, many women still face problems when it comes to their careers. It is no secret that females have faced and continue to face many difficulties in the workplace. Most people know that there is a huge gender gap in the workplace. Women are paid less than men, and they often have to work twice as hard to get promoted. The gender pay gap, sexual harassment, and lack of representation are just some of the issues we regularly hear about. This problem is compounded for those who work in male-dominated industries because they also have to carefully navigate difficult social situations such as unwanted advances or inappropriate comments from colleagues or superiors. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the key problems for women in male-dominated industries so you can be better informed before deciding what industry you want to enter!

Continuous Criticism 

Women are not only facing the struggles of feeling excluded in a male-dominated industry, but they are also subject to criticism for their appearance or behavior. It can be especially discouraging when you consider that men working in these same industries do not have to deal with this type of feedback from colleagues. From work to dressing, they face a lot of criticism both in the workplace and outside. Many people have a problem with women being ‘tough’ or driven to succeed, even when successful. She might be seen as too pushy if she shows signs of ambition, but if a man is ambitious, he’ll get praise for it instead. (Oscar Weber, Nominus)

Inappropriate Behavior

Our society is often uncomfortable with women who behave in a way that is considered ‘masculine. For example, if a woman works on an oil rig, she’ll be considered unfeminine or unattractive for being covered in dirt and grime. Many people will also see this type of work as too dangerous to attempt because they’re worried about her safety. Conversely, if a man works on an oil rig, he’ll generally be praised for being tough or brave because of the work that has to be done. That same person who criticized women in this environment might even see him as attractive even though his clothes are dirty and they’re covered in grime from working on the rig. This double standard occurs because society has been conditioned to see women as objects of desire and men as strong providers for their families. (John Webster, Clooms)


The most common and most undiscussed problem that women face in a male-dominated industry is sexual harassment. Even if it’s not physical, men still feel entitled to treat her with dismissive tones and behavior because they don’t want to respect what she has accomplished. Harassment issues are on the rise, and it’s the un-talk truth of our society. Females are victims of harassment in male-dominated workplaces, and it’s a very common problem. And if a woman talks about it, she faces backlash and a bad reputation. The problem of sexual harassment has become stronger and more acknowledged by society, but women still feel like it’s their fault when they get sexually harassed at work. Employers need to create a non-toxic environment where people can succeed without fear of judgment or harassment.


Another unspoken issue is discrimination against women who try to move up the ladder or enter higher-level jobs, such as management positions. Women are paid less than men for doing similar work because they’re looked at as not being ” capable” or “professional enough.” Some women may even be passed over for opportunities they were deserving of because their bosses didn’t think that a woman would fit into the culture. Discrimination isn’t always obvious, which makes it harder to address and stop. (Laura Jimenez, Ishine365)

Extenuating Circumstances 

Undoubtedly some of the most common issues women face in male-dominant fields are their lack of representation and exposure. Many industries have had a hard time diversifying their workforce. While this is an issue many organizations are working on changing, it’s still not being addressed in some industries as most industries are run by women, such as RugKnots, and many others. But still, people see male-dominated organizations as the best way to work. These issues come from the lack of exposure women receive to these fields or opportunities within them–not all women know what types of jobs they can hold or how much money they can make in a male-dominated industry. There is still much sexism and discrimination throughout the workforce, even if it’s not always obvious. In most cases, women are highly expected to take more responsibilities at home because they work full time, something men aren’t assumed to do simply because of their gender. (Naheed Mir, RugKnots)

Discounted Achievements 

Achievements made by women are often discounted in male-dominated industries. Some examples of this include when women receive less credit for their work or have to complete more tasks than men while working on a project or assignment because it is assumed that they will struggle with the workload based on gender. The achievement of women in a field is not discussed as loud as they deserve to be.

Wrong Assumptions

The undiscussed problems for women in male dominated industries are alarming, but the assumption that women are not strong enough to work in an industry dominated by men is what’s wrong with the system. Unfortunately, this assumption often leads to sexual harassment towards female workers who may be too intimidated to speak up about it or demand their rights. The problem is that women are not given their due credit for the work they’ve done. Their achievements go unnoticed by many, or if they do get noticed; it gets lost in all of the noise created about how unfair working conditions can be towards them because of their gender.

Women Work Longer Hours 

Working long hours is already difficult for anyone, but when you’re working long hours for a male-dominated industry, it can be even more challenging. The competitive nature of such industries often leads to women finding themselves sacrificing their personal lives and time with friends and family just so that they can climb up the ladder to get ahead at work. (David, livewireleads)

On a Final Note

The list of problems women face in male-dominated industries is long and varied, but it often boils down to the following. Women are less likely than men to be hired for a job or promoted within an organization. They’re also more frequently passed over for raises and bonuses because they don’t ask as much as their male counterparts. In addition, female leaders who lead organizations with mostly female employees experience backlash from both sexes that can range from disregard to outright hostility, making it difficult for them to manage effectively. Finally, many studies have shown that when women enter predominantly male fields like STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), they encounter mentorship issues due to gender stereotypes about what skills should make someone successful in those fields. Hopefully you enjoyed this article on the undiscussed problems for women in male dominated industries.