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Advice for first time parents

All first-time parents need a little bit of help. While everyone, even people who aren’t parents, will be giving you advice, you must pick and choose which advice is right for you to follow. You can get advice in multiple places, from family and friends to parenting books, and even strangers. However, there’s too much information out there for new parents, and nobody is capable of following every piece of advice they get. In this article, we’ll tell you some of the best advice for first-time parents to make their lives easier and less stressful. 

Stop Doing So Much

Most parents believe they need to be constantly busy, especially working moms. While it’s important you continue to work after you return from maternity leave, it’s also important you don’t take too much on so you can enjoy the time you have with your baby. Try not to do too much for your child, as you could be putting too much time into parenting and not enough into other aspects of your life, such as your relationship with your spouse. 

Children need a parent who can be gentle and grounded. A parent who takes on too much work and is always busy will quickly become stressed and not be mindful of what they’re doing. Instead, they’ll try to multitask, which means they’re using the valuable time they could be bonding with their child to finish work at the end of the day. 

You can do less and stop doing so much by setting boundaries with yourself and others. For example, if your boss needs you to constantly work late, speak to them about losing out on valuable time with your baby. Similarly, if you find you’re not working enough or you’re not finishing your tasks, you may need to spend less time looking at your baby while he or she sleeps and more time getting stuff done. 

Of course, it’s also important you set aside time to relax. While you can hardly ever predict when your child is going to wake up from a nap and need to eat, there should be times in your day when you can sit back and relax. Remember, nothing has to be perfect when it comes to parenting. “Good enough” parenting can help you stay sane while trying to juggle all of your responsibilities. 

Reduce Self-Pressure

As a new parent, you have more to focus on than just how you look. If you’ve gained weight or can’t fathom the idea of putting on jeans to go to the grocery store, then don’t worry. Instead of putting pressure on yourself to be perfect, remember that you’re under a lot of pressure, and there’s no reason to add pressure onto yourself by worrying about how you look, as long as you’re healthy. 

You should also stop pressuring yourself at work. If you find that juggling a new baby and a full-time job is difficult due to the added pressure your bosses put on you, consider having a conversation with them about how you can start working from home to save money on daycare and start spending more time with your baby. You can also look for other opportunities to make money from home

Don’t Panic

Children are not as fragile as we think they are. If a child falls when learning how to walk, there’s likely no reason to take them to the emergency, especially if they’re not in any pain. Instead of worrying about every little bump, focus on keeping your child happy and safe. Accidents are bound to happen, and not everything is as serious as you initially think they are. 

Know Your Neighbors

Keeping your child safe is one of your main responsibilities as a parent, so it’s important you know everyone they’ll come into contact with, especially those that live nearby. You can check the national sex offender registry to learn if there are any sex offenders in your neighborhood. Anyone who has been convicted of one of these crimes will have to let landlords know through a rental background check, but they may also be required to go door-to-door to inform the neighbors. 

Additionally, you should get to know your neighbors, especially if they have children. Your child should start being around others at a young age to learn how to socialize. Some of your neighbors might have children of similar ages they can befriend and grow up with. Your neighbors can also be invaluable resources for emergencies. For example, if you get to know your neighbor and trust them, you can ask them to babysit while you run out for an emergency milk run. 

Ignore Some Advice

You don’t have to do what anyone else says, even if the person giving you advice seems like the best parent in the world. Many people give advice based on their experiences, and their experiences could be different from your own. Every child is different, so what works for one might not work for another. You know your child better than anyone, so there’s no reason to take advice if you don’t think it will improve your or your child’s life in any way. 

Get Sleep

Getting sleep as a new parent can be difficult. Not only are you constantly filled with worry, but you might even sleep lightly to ensure you can hear your baby if he or she wakes up. Many parents sleep while their children sleep so they can get at least a few minutes of shuteye. However, you should also aim to get quality sleep at night. If you have a partner, consider alternating who will get up to take care of the baby in the middle of the night. This will allow you to get the quality sleep you both need to take care of your child. 

Additionally, you’ll need to reduce pain and stress to quickly fall asleep. If you’re experiencing pain, consider getting a new pillow to relieve pain to ensure you can sleep the entire night through and have enough energy to care for yourself and your child the next day. 

Trust Yourself

Many new parents have a difficult time trusting their instincts because they’ve never been parents before. However, all new parents have zero experience parenting, so you’re not alone. Many of the best parents out there learn from doing everything on their own, without taking too much advice from others. You know yourself and your child better than anyone, so you should trust yourself to make the right decisions. 


Marné Amoguis holds a B.A. in International Business from UC San Diego. She is a contributing writer at where she loves sharing her passion for digital marketing. Outside of writing, she loves traveling, playing music, and hiking.