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parenting skills at work

Parenting Skills That Will Help You Succeed at Work

If you’ve raised children, chances are you’ve learned a thing or two during the process. Being a mom changes you — it makes you near invincible, fosters remarkable empathy, and builds undeniable patience. It also teaches you parenting skills that will help you succeed at work.

Whether you’re returning to work for the first time after your baby’s arrival or you’re seeking a promotion in your workplace, understand that you’re a talented woman. You have so many practical skills you can transfer to your job. Own that fact and find success at work.

Here are seven reasons why being a mom helps you succeed in the workplace.

1. Multitasking

Every mom excels at multitasking — it just comes with the territory of raising children. It can also help you succeed at work. Critical examples of multitasking skills include scheduling, organization, prioritization, and delegation. As a mom, you might find yourself better at one or two of these multitasking skills. Maybe you’ve alphabetically organized your kid’s books and toys, and you’ve written their schedules on a whiteboard calendar.

Perhaps you take on too much when dividing up tasks and could stand to delegate more. It might be a matter of wanting to be in control or feeling like you can’t give something away. Practice delegating smaller work tasks first. Talk to your manager if you need assistance handing off larger projects to team members.

2. Problem-Solving

Your children will repeatedly come to you with their problems because you’re the mom. “Where’s my favorite stuffy?” “Can you help me with my homework?” “Sara likes Carter more than me.” You will become well trained in uncovering solutions to their myriad problems. You also have to work as a leader to guide your family and resolve any issues.

Fixing your children’s problems can be valuable training for your trial-and-error process at work. Your job will require you to get to the root of an issue quickly and resolve it without taking huge risks. Having kids will prepare you to do just that.

3. Budgeting

Budgeting is a valuable financial skill, regardless of your line of work. Because you’ve raised children, you understand the importance of adding expense contingencies, which is a practical skill in jobs ranging from event planning to owning your own business. This is a crucial aspect of operating any budget. Unexpected costs will occur in the workplace or at home — maybe the HVAC system fails, or your youngest child breaks their arm.

However, you know as a mom that when big maintenance or medical bills come in the mail, you can’t just cover them with that week’s grocery money. That’s why you likely have a separate emergency fund. You never can plan for an emergency, but it’s far better to have the apportioned funds stay unused than tap into money that’s needed for other tasks. This is a valuable insight to bring to your workplace if you’re involved in the budgeting process.

4. Teamwork

You’re the leader of your family. You’re an expert at team-building and motivation. While there might be many times you want to force your way on your children, you know you have to work to get them on board with a host of issues. You are the primary motivator, whether coaxing them into trying new food, getting along with their siblings, or encouraging them before a big event.

These skills are entirely transferable to the workplace. At times, you’ll need to get co-workers’ buy-in for specific work changes. You’ll need to have the emotional intelligence to determine when you should work to motivate people. Getting to know your fellow employees’ personalities will help you better understand them, too.

5. Mindfulness

The best way for a parent is to be in the moment with your kids. It’s vital to be mindful of what’s happening around you. You want to be consciously present when you’re with your children and aware of what they’re saying and doing. After all, they do grow up so fast.

Being mindful in the workplace is highly beneficial, as well. It helps your mental health and boosts your productivity and morale. Make a conscious decision to practice mindfulness at work each day and be present as best as possible. You can also practice short exercises to increase your brain functioning. Try taking a walk on your lunch break, observing the birds in the trees or the crunching leaves beneath your feet.

6. Listening

Your children are likely to come to you with all the news of their day, both good and bad. They readily share their joys and concerns. You are their shoulder to cry on and their rock. You’re always ready to listen to your kids, no matter what they have to say. Giving them a safe place to share is an invaluable resource.

Listening skills are also crucial in the workplace. You can help other employees feel valued and heard. Sometimes people just need an opportunity to vent. Other times, they’ll need to be prompted or guided with open-ended questions. You can also provide additional points of view if you think it’s necessary. Listening to co-workers provides a haven for their voices to be heard.

7. Big-Picture Thinking

Moms always need to think a couple of steps ahead. “After I put the youngest to sleep, I need to read to the oldest and put him down. Then I’ll put in a load of laundry and do the dishes.” Big-picture thinking or visualization skills are crucial to good parenting. They help you anticipate what tasks you need to do to get the job done. Then you can efficiently attend to your work.

Visualization skills are also valuable in work settings, especially in project management. Big-picture thinking is critical when it comes to managing more significant projects effectively. Moms are successfully working on one of the most important projects of all — raising a child. You simplify things through visualization, dividing the monumental task of child-rearing into a more manageable daily affair. You can do the same with your work tasks and when it comes to project management.

Add These Skills to Your Resume

You’re an awesome mom. Own that fact and recognize how you practice these fantastic parenting skills. Incorporate them into your job or add them to your resume as you look for new employment. They are sure to serve you well.