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resume summary for career change


The evolution of work is one of the main reasons to change careers. People want to apply for opportunities with high wages, more job benefits, and convenience. If you are changing your career, it is time to find out how to create a suitable curriculum for this new professional stage in your life.

We will show you a quick guide to improve your resume, with a few steps appropriate to the needs of any employer. You will also see some of the reasons and statistics about a career change in the 21st century, examples, and modern resources for your work profile.

Why Do People Change Careers?

Changing jobs is more common than you think. Although this process requires new training processes and more investment in education, thousands of people decide to take a new career path every year. Some of the reasons are better wages, optimal working conditions, growth prospects, less physical effort, and new challenges.

An Indeed report in 2019 showed that 49 percent of US workers changed careers. On the other hand, 65 percent of the American workforce considers making this decision at some point. We see that it is a common trend, but how can you update your resume for new job offers? Take note below!

  • Your Intro Matters

One of the most important parts of your resume is the introduction. Candidates usually write an ‘objective’, that is, a statement that justifies submitting their worker profile. This tendency to say, “I want this position in your company,” can be repetitive. Companies know that a resume is a job proposal. Therefore, your profile and intentions may be enough to explain the reasons you want to work for that company.

Instead of an objective intro, create a short description of how your experience and skills can be useful for the position. This paragraph can be crucial in creating an initial perspective for the employer. After this section, it’s time to talk about your accomplishments, education, and work experience.

Objective Intro Example:

A professional focused on new trends in software development, inspired by the most innovative projects in the tech industry. Expert in handling design tools with high demand and precise results. A faithful believer in teamwork, brainstorming, research, and prototypes for the development of never-seen-before projects.

  • Your Career Change is Not the Main Topic

Some employers often find that career changers do not master two career paths perfectly. It is important not to take your CV towards this topic, but to the specific field where you want to work. The employer will see your career change in the education, skills, and work experience section.

It is essential to highlight the special skills and requirements for the position you are applying for. Accuracy may be better than long text. In fact, it is advisable to summarize all the information on a single sheet, especially if you have less than ten years of experience in the field.

  • Research and Show How You Can Meet the Company’s Needs

In most cases, a company requires pragmatic employees. Versatility can be a favorable condition in almost any circumstance. However, if you research the company and its needs, you can create a perfect resume. In this case, you can present yourself as an instrument to solve real problems. Bosses value these direct proposals, whether the candidate comes from a different career or not.

If you send a cover letter and your resume simultaneously, you can take a few paragraphs to explain solutions and processes for the company. In addition, explain exactly how you would consolidate a successful project, the values ​​and resources required, and the estimated timeline to see the results.

Example of how to offer solutions to the company in your cover letter:

Creativity is a strong topic in software engineering, and many creative departments do not have the necessary resources to explain their ideas. That’s why I consider presentations, graphics, and videos to be useful tools for creators to showcase their perspectives to work teams and directors.

  • Use Resume Templates

Resume templates are suitable alternatives to organize the contents of your CV. Currently, many websites offer thousands of models depending on the type of job. Most of these platforms have free services available to everyone.

One of the essential advantages of this tool is that you have many templates with icons, graphics, and visual resources to get the employer’s attention. Remember that it is essential to maintain a clear focus on the current field for career changers’ summaries. Therefore, work with simple templates that are easy to understand and can be read without excessive content.

  • Don’t Forget Technical Skills and Certifications

For an employer reading a career changer’s CV, skills and certifications may be reason enough to hire. At the end of the day, any company is looking for the talent and skills to get the job done. For this reason, college degrees are no longer a mandatory requirement in many companies. Consider your skills and certifications the stars of your resume.

Is It Possible to Jump From Any Career Into the Tech Industry?

The era of technology is real, and more and more companies require talent in software design, app development, cyber security, and data science. Hundreds of workers have migrated from their old career paths to tech-related fields due to better wages, work environments, and job outlook rates. Although this industry can be difficult to jump into, the career change process is simpler than you thought.

Bootcamps help career changers find their first break in the tech industry, thanks to training programs lasting between three and six months. The best coding bootcamps offer on-campus or online programs. In addition, their career services can include internships, mock interviews, real-world projects, and resume writing lessons.


We all know that changing careers or jobs can be difficult, especially after many years in a completely different field. After completing your training process, certifications, and first projects, it is time to work on your resume. CVs and cover letters can help you get your first job as a career changer. Follow our quick guide above to increase your chance of success.