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Age of Enlightenment.  Christine Michel Carter asks the question of whether or not there is a specific age at which people reach their peak of social consciousness.  Instead, maybe history repeats itself, generation after generation?

There are arguments that some Black millennials are part of generation Me, neglecting their communities.  Christine, declares, however, that compared to their revolutionary ancestors, this larger generation is just as cultivated.


Christine discusses how in 1966, a then 24-year-old Huey P. Newton and 30-year-old Bobby Seale formed the Black Panther Party.  They were members of the Silent Generation, but today, at their age, they would be millennials.


Christine asserts that today the average Black millennial is in their mid-twenties.  Just like in 1966, Black people are the largest racial minority in The United States.


The majority of Black millennials advocate for the same social issues as the Black Panther Party.  Such issues include hunger, gender equality, and healthcare.


When comparing all generations in The United States, millennials and the Silent Generation share the most similarities. They both seek achievement, purpose, status, and power.

In short, The Black millennial generation, according to Christine Michel Carter, is integral to our age of enlightenment.

Check out the full infographic on the Huffington Post. 

For more information on this generation of Black millennials, check out this other article by Christine Michel Carter.