Become a modern leader. Climb the corporate ladder. Get past the broken rung.

Anyone can show a promotion on LinkedIn, but it is imperative for working moms. Why?According to research published in the Harvard Business Review, there is a considerable gender bias in mentoring support, with women usually pushed to modify and adapt to advance. At the same time, males are given public support and assistance in taking command of their careers. Senior-level males are 50% more likely to have a sponsor. Without a sponsor’s clout to argue for the sponsor in the most senior executive circles, women are not always treated equally during closed-door promotion and succession conversations. Implementing a structured Sponsorship Program with defined objectives and purposefully matched sponsors and sponsees can considerably assist women in bridging this gap.

A strong network may speed up and improve the chances of promotion. Several studies have demonstrated that informal networks are frequently separated by gender and race. As a result, women are less likely than males to have strong professional networks, insider information, and social links to elites crucial to advancement. Furthermore, although men’s jobs and social networks tend to intersect, women’s networks do not. Women may be at a disadvantage since maintaining two networks takes more time.

Being promoted is a fascinating time for many women, but when appropriately promoted, it can be incredibly impactful for your career.

Toot Your Own Horn

One of the first things that you’ll want to do is decide when you want to post the news on social media. You might instinctively want to do it as soon as possible, but individuals get promoted at all times, and social media engagement isn’t consistent throughout the day. If you’re looking for the most people to see your post, you’ll want to post it early on a weekday morning.

Show all your talents and capabilities, never be afraid to speak up, and the most important thing to remember is to take good care of yourself. You might also want career support to boost your confidence and expand women’s network of relationships. If you are creating a Linkedin profile to get job opportunities, construct your headline more than just a job title and make your Linkedin summary into your story. These tips would help you attract companies and businesses.

You Earned It

Women often struggle with issues with their self-esteem that can create problems for them personally and professionally. Helping women recognize the value that they have often helped turn this around. As women discover the value they bring to the table, conversations shift to what they can do for the corporation vs. trying to be accepted by a corporation.

Use Your Billboard

A good LinkedIn profile is one of the best tools to help you get ahead in your career. It’s essential to keep your profile updated because recruiters and hiring managers will look at it. You can use your  LinkedIn profile to highlight your experience, skills, and education. It’s also a great way to showcase your personality. Your LinkedIn profile is like a billboard that sells you and your experience.

To show a promotion on LinkedIn might be a simple change of language, but creating a visual announcement will give you more engagement and awareness of the post. You can ask your organization’s designer to craft one showcasing your new title or make one with a tool like Canva.

Promote Yourself Authentically

Self-promotion is vital for getting your work acknowledged, earning that job promotion, or expanding your business. However, women frequently find the concept of “selling” oneself unsettling. The goal is to promote yourself genuinely and sincerely. No one will know your abilities, ideas, and accomplishments until you promote them.

Remember that when you show a promotion on LinkedIn, it isn’t the only time you’ll want to showcase your new title. You should set a follow-up task for yourself within two weeks after your initial announcement to show off the new business cards with your title. After your first quarter in the position, consider a longer LinkedIn post that emphasizes the new responsibilities, challenges, and accomplishments you’ve been able to drive in your new title.