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The demand for child care is constantly rising. Even before COVID-19 started, affordable child care wasn’t the easiest service to find. Now that we’re in mid pandemic, all schools are closed and most daycare centers are closed or in the process of reopening. See the average daycare costs by state.

According to the Center For American Progress, “COVID-19 could lead to permanent costs of nearly 4.6 million child care slots.” Due to the practice of social distancing, most places have reduced the number of children they can take in. So how much does child care cost?

It depends on where you live- child care in Washington, D.C., is the most expensive in the U.S. costs $22,631. Following D.C., the most expensive states (in descending order) include Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, and Maryland. Mississippi has the most affordable child care cost.

When childcare programs are needed more than ever so that parents like you can focus comfortably on going to or back to work, we have formed a list of average daycare costs by state, ranked from least to most expensive.

Looking for more help with Daycare? Try these tips:

How Working Moms Can Find Weekend and 24-Hour Childcare

How Working and Stay-at-home Moms Handle Childcare

When Losing Childcare Leads to Losing Employment

Can Mommy Go To Work? (children’s book)

Here’s how much child care costs annually in every state:

  1. Mississippi: $5,436
  2. Missouri: $5,436
  3. Alabama $6,001
  4. Kentucky: $6,411
  5. South Dakota $6,511
  6. Arkansas: $6,890
  7. South Carolina: $7,007
  8. Idaho: $7,474
  9. Louisiana: $7,724
  10. Georgia: $8,530
  11. Oklahoma: $8,576
  12. New Mexico: $8,617
  13. Tennessee: $8,732
  14. West Virginia: $8,736
  15. North Dakota: $9,091
  16. Florida: $9,238
  17. Texas: $9,324
  18. Maine: $9,449
  19. North Carolina: $9,480
  20. Montana: $9,518
  21. Ohio: $9,697
  22. Utah: $9,945
  23. Iowa: $10,378
  24. Wyoming: $10,647
  25. Michigan: $10,861
  26. Arizona: $10,948
  27. Delaware: $11,021
  28. Kansas: $11,222
  29. Nevada: $11,408
  30. Pennsylvania: $11,842
  31. Alaska: $12,120
  32. Wisconsin: $12,567
  33. Nebraska: $12,571
  34. Indiana: $12,612
  35. New Hampshire: $12,791
  36. Vermont: $12,812
  37. New Jersey: $12,988
  38. Oregon: $13,616
  39. Rhode Island: $13,696
  40. Hawaii: $13,731
  41. Illinois: $13,802
  42. Virginia: $14,063
  43. Colorado: $15,325
  44. Maryland: $15,335
  45. New York: $15,394
  46. Connecticut: $15,501
  47. Minnesota: $16,087
  48. California: $16,945
  49. Massachusetts: $20,913
  50. Washington, D.C $24,243

Child care subsidy options:

If you need more help with the average daycare cost in your state, the Office of Children and Family Services provides assistance with child care costs to families through the Child Care Subsidy Program. Subsidized child care consists of state and federal government programs available to assist families financially with child care. You are eligible for financial assistance if you meet the low-income guidelines for your state.

If you are in need of assistance, find out if you’re eligible today, contact your local Department of Social Services, or check out the latest update to Child Care Subsidy and Payment Changes in Response to COVID-19.  (last update was 9/17/2021)